MelonMonkey;158387 Wrote: 
> So what's the point? Just an observation. I'm not suggesting everyone go
> out and buy new machines. I'm not certain I can leave the mini as the
> server for long - it's one of my development and test machines aqnd I'd
> hate to have to interrupt the music while working on a problem with my
> own software.
> If I can make a wish for 7.0 it's for increased stability and speed,
> while eliminating the outstanding bugs of the 6.5 stream. I think most
> of us would wait on new features to have something solid to use in the
> meantime.
I agree with some of your observations.  SlimServer needs a fast
machine to be usable for many of us.  I have zero tolerance for slow
loading web sites and even less when that site is running on a local
machine with 5% CPU load.

The slow-loading gallery issues seem to me to be a factor of a slow
HTTP server (what can you do - it's written in Perl) and poor caching
of artwork thumbnails.  There are also ongoing issues with the database
implementation, as others have pointed out - such as queries returning
millions of rows to generate a single web page.

Keep in mind that for the gallery view when you change the thumbnail
size, all those images are regenerated on the fly when the page is
served (then they're served from a cache).  I _still_ haven't figured
out why they all can't be pregenerated during the scanning process. 
Probably easier caching them.


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