Well I have got the connection to SC on Linux to work now. Needed
the following changes ...
Edit the server.prefs file and change 3 lines, all close together. Look
for the bindAddress. Change from to your servers IP. Also add
the server ip to the allowedHosts line.
Change the hostname on the dbsource: line as well.

Above is best done with slimserver stopped so the file isn't updated
while you are editing it.

I also had to create a new user in the slimserver MySql with access
from anywhere and grant it access to the slimserver tables.

Finally edited the VB script line 41 to use the new IP userid and

The script then runs and retrieves data from the remote Linux server.
Sadly I am now stuck. lol  All albums are reported as "Various Artists"
- as per other posts where no compilation directory is set.  I haven't
yet found out how to add the Linux path of my compilation directory
correctly. I suspect either or both the lack of a drive value ( c: )or
the slash directions.
Whatever I have tried in the compilations directory field ( full unix
path with or without quotes ) causes the script to fail with a message
reporting that the script is causing IE to run slowly. Why IE? No
Also no album art at all is retrieved, presumably due to paths again. 

I have copied my music data to my Windows box and installed a local
copy of SC7 and the script runs fine against it. Only niggle I could
find is when displaying the tracks from multiple albums. It would be
nice to add a disc number sub heading.

Sorry to ramble on. Thanks for an excellent script Frank. Very useful.



Koolu + SC 7 feeding ==>
SB3 -> Cyrus 6vs -> KEF iQ7
SB2 -> Super T amp -> Mission 771
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