Thank you very much Raniere!  I tried it, and...

    + Cygwin Terminal icon on the Desktop (aka, bash)

    + man -- pages for nano, bash, man, make, git, rsync, even python
(ver 2.7.13)

    + nano

    + git -- tested git init, add, commit clone from GitHub via https

    + ssh works from the bash command line, presumably will work with
ssh keys when they get put in the right place.

    + python 2.7.13

/home/<user> is not the same as C:\Users\<user>, but the latter can be
reached as c:/users/<user> (or C:/Users/<user>) which will take you to

If the user tries to install as a non-administrator, the PowerShell
window prints

   Press Enter to exit:

but if you authenticate as an admin, it then adds

   Hand installation over to elevated child process

That might be added to the documentation.

I created a file, 'foo' with nano, then from the bash command line

    $ notepad foo

and it opens the right file.  That's a nice out and a nice integration
for those who really feel uncomfortable using nano.  Since
c:/cygwin/home/<user> is the home directory for bash, it's also easily
findable from Windows.

I know people who do real work from Cygwin, so this is also something
that users can take with them, expand by adding additional packages,
and work with on a regular basis.  Cygwin has pretty good
documentation, and Google will find answers to many questions.

I hope others receive this work as warmly as I have.

Once again, very nicely done,

Sincerely,    -- bennet

P.S.  Now, if you can just write a little something to get my mouse
pointer to move from my Mac to my Windows laptop when I hit the edge
of the screen hard enough....   :-)

On Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 6:36 PM, Raniere Silva <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> thanks for all comments!
>> If you’re interested in more information about instructor preferences and 
>> possible solutions
>> for the second concern (text editors for the shell lesson), you will find 
>> this issue of interest
>> [2] and we hope you will continue to add comments there.
>> For now, the Windows installer isn't working, so while we're working to fix 
>> that, we'll add
>> instructions for using Atom in a workshop. If you are an instructor teaching 
>> the shell lesson
>> soon and are comfortable using Atom (and helping your students get it 
>> installed!), please try
>> it out and add to this issue [3] to let us know how it worked. We'll get in 
>> touch with people
>> teaching upcoming workshops to let them know about this issue and potential 
>> solutions.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
> If you prefer to use nano as the text editor
> I will ask you to spend 10-20 minutes reviewing
> I spent a few hours working on it
> and from my test, at a Windows 10 virtual machine,
> it work OK.
> Thanks,
> Raniere
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