Rod wrote:

> Without an email/pim component many will do just that. It's called MSO.
> Is that what you really want?

Just what functionality does MSO + Outlook offer, that can not be
replicated by using OOo + FireFox + ThunderBird + SunBird + the
appropriate templates?

>I have yet to hear a call for a Tetris component, music composition,
or audio editing, for instance.

I've seen requests for all three of those on various OOo lists.
Somebody did write a macro to play Tetris within OOo.  [Now wondering
what would happen if somebody were to toss the python audio editing
modules into OOo source code.]

> A good case could be made that open-source development is the most unfocused,

Since there is no centralized location of closed source projects, you
don't see all the junk that they don't produce.

>so *suggesting* that OOo should somehow integrate an
email/calendar/pim, preferably by cooperating with the Mozilla
project, is actually quite conservative.

Probably the simplest in the short/medium term.


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