Le lundi 14 novembre 2005 à 16:58 -0500, Chad Smith a écrit :
> On 11/14/05, Nicolas Mailhot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > HTML is already TOO complex for mail. That's why it's rejected by so
> > many people. Didn't you read what I wrote last day ? Rich mail
> > acceptance requires a simplified SUBSET of HTML/XHTML, not a SUPERSET
> > like ODF.
> >
> > I shudder a the number of cycles needed to filter a mailing list if its
> > default format changes to ODF.

> Nobody cares if you want to filter your email to exclude HTML. That's your
> right, and no one is considering, suggesting, implying, or saying that we
> should take that right away from you. No one is suggesting that we force you
> to send email in any form other than the one you choose. And no one is
> implying that we should switch the mailing lists over to HTML, ODF, XML, or
> PDFs.

That's not what I wrote. Blacklisting a file type is easy and fast.

What I wrote is if people want a rich mail format that is accepted by
mailing lists, mailing list filters (the stuff that runs on SERVERS)
need to be able to check message sanity in as little cycles as possible.

Which is about impossible with current HTML abuses, and would be even
worse with ODF. Though it would certainly be possible to specify a
message format better than plain text with good filtering properties
which could accomplish 99% of what normal people really use in HTML mail

There is a reason why "entreprise" mail clients only run on highly
protected networks you know - they don't have the feature/sanity balance
it would take to connect unprotected to the internet. And getting there
do mean dropping the features which cost too much to secure for too
little gain. Unless you advocate big-corps-only-OO.o

Nicolas Mailhot

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