On Dec 24, 2007 5:41 AM, Paul M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bill Marquette wrote:
> >> or others that could make use of mechanisms like dynamic allocation of 
> >> port.
> > That could cause you problems potentially.  But would be no different
> > in any other firewall that didn't already understand your protocol.  I
> > regularly force vendors to redesign their applications to not use
> > dynamic ports at work, it's a stupid design and really, there's zero
> > reason to do it (other than sheer laziness on the developers side - or
> > pissy legacy reasons when it comes to FTP, which is still not a good
> > excuse IMO).
> java RMI being one major PITA!

Yup, that's one of them there bad protocols ;)

> we've developers working from home and trying to get their openvpn
> connections working was a massive PITA.
> <rant>
> developers being developers seem to think that security considerations
> can be swept aside to let them do whatever they "need" to do.
> </rant>

That's "users" in general.  Developers just tend to be in a rush more
than most users due to working on projects that are often over
promised and under manned.


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