On 10/12/2010 05:23 PM, Steve G. wrote:
> I am a member of some other Linux groups from places I lived in. 
> Should I post something about Mint on them as well, or should I just 
> drop it?
As far as I understand from what I've seen here, the guy does not ban 
Israel/Isrelis/Jews (nor is he legally allowed to do so---any limitation 
on distribution would break the terms of at least some of the software 
licenses he's using).

He is simply *asking* people with certain political views (and there's 
no way for him to force you to declare your political views) to ban HIM, 
and declares he would refuse any donation from them. Might be stupid, 
but perfectly legal. Law cannot forbid people from refusing gifts based 
on race/gender/religion etc.

As for practical matters:

1) It seems to me that he should have no objections for setting up a 
mirror on Hamakor or ISOC, because these organizations are not 
political/nationality-oriented/government-supported/etc. In fact, such a 
mirror would also serve Palesitinians, anti-zionists, antisemites and 
anyone that happens to live in this area (maybe also in PISGA or even in 

2) It you are offended by the stupid jokes (or just can't stand the bad 
grammar and spelling), but still think Mint has some technical value, 
the proper open-source way to handle this is not by "sending complaints 
to the management"- just *fork it*. You're allowed to add your own 
stupidity just like he's allowed to add his.

+1 for the steps suggested by Shachar. In order.


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