Whichever we choose, the metadata version should match the PEP version, which it currently does not.

Nathaniel Smith kirjoitti 16.01.2018 klo 18:58:
On Jan 12, 2018 8:00 AM, "Alex Grönholm" <alex.gronh...@nextday.fi <mailto:alex.gronh...@nextday.fi>> wrote:

    On the same note, wheel currently writes "2.0" as its metadata
    version. Shouldn't this be changed into 1.3 (along with ditching

Should wheel change to emit 1.3, or should the PEP change to become 2.0? I know there were great hopes for "metadata 2.0", but given that there are bazillions of packages out there with a metadata version of 2.0, we're never going to be able to meaningfully use that version number for anything else, and it's confusing if when reading package metadata the ordering is 1.2 < 2.0 == 1.3 < 1.4. So maybe we should declare that this update is 2.0 or 2.1, the next one will be 2.1 or 2.2, etc., and if anyone asks why the major version bump, well, it's hardly the strangest thing we've done for compatibility :-). (And in the unlikely event that PEP 426 lurches back to life, we can make it 3.0.)


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