My home is similar to your setup - 9 zones all with computers running
SqueezePlay and mostly always synced to Pandora but on occasion they
will be un-sysnced and playing from the stored files on the media
server.  We do not have any hardware players only computer based
software players.

The only problem we have/see is when synced there can be a little (very
little actually but it can be heard) difference in the music if it can
be heard from two adjacent rooms.  This is most noticeable in the
kitchen and family room - actually one big room.  But when family is
here they always have the TV on in the family room and not music so it
not a real problem.  If all bedrooms are on then walking down the hall
you can precived a little difference also, not that big of a deal for us

Everything is controlled by laptops, office computer or tablets and of
course phones...

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