Thanks to all for your thoughts

The point you made Aubuti, relating to in wall volume controls isn’t
something I had really considered. I can imagine alright the convince of
that for people in the house, going further to Jim’s point for
strangers, infrequent visitors (and our folks when they visit) not
having an in wall control could be somewhat of an annoyance.

aubuti wrote: 
> Here's another instance where separate in-wall volume control(s) can be
> a good idea. In our kitchen/dining area we have two pairs of in-ceiling
> speakers running off the same amp (ie, the same zone), one pair as the
> "A" speakers and the other as the "B" speakers. One pair is closer to
> the dining area, the other closer to the cooking/prep area. Each pair is
> on a separate in-wall volume control, thus avoiding the all-on/all-off
> dilemma entirely.

This is an idea I do really like, as well as the solving the
all-on/all-off issue it would also be the area I would most like to have
completely in sync, the others would not be so much of a concern. 

Like  Jim I am in the same position with my better half (no boxes!),
this was probably the main factor driving my thinking behind running all
the speaker cables back to a central cabinet but certainly from the
thoughts above I will look to put volume controls, most likely in-wall
in at least the main living area. For most of the other rooms I am
thinking I may stick with wiring them back to the central cabinet. I
guess it is something I will look at on a zone by zone basis and see
what works best.

aubuti wrote: 
> 1) you're probably doing this already, but if you're not, put Cat5e or
> Cat6 cable everywhere, in larger quantities than you'd ever think you'll
> use. It's worth it, especially when the walls are still open.

This is something I will definitely be doing, at this stage the cost
will be little more than the cost of the cable so I am planning to run
Cat6 all over the place. Like power points I think you can’t have too

aubuti wrote: 
> 2) the in-ceiling speakers may be okay for background audio, but do you
> think you'll want a higher-end system in at least one room for real
> listening? If so, then you'll want to have at least one room designed to
> have the player and amp in the room, as opposed to a central closet.

There is one room I think would be perfect for this(...well unless a few
kids come along and then it could well be confiscated!). I will take a
look myself to see what kind of system might work here but if you have
any suggestions it would be good to take a look at them.

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