I don't have experience yet with the Raspberry Pi, but overall you may
want to re-think a couple things. Most of all, your plans seem to be a
slightly odd mixture of the old-fashioned "home run" wiring to a central
closet with "new fashioned" network players and small T-amps. 

The older multi-room designs were usually based on a central multi-zone
amp with miles of speaker cable running to the individual rooms. Of
course, you can still do something like that, but with a cluster of RPi
players and T-amps (one RPi & amp per zone). However, you could
alternatively take advantage of the networking aspect by using Cat5e or
Cat6 (instead of speaker cable) to get the signal from the server to
different rooms, and then having the RPi and amp in the room, either
visible or tucked away somewhere.  Neither approach is inherently
superior, but as you can see from my sig below, I've gone for the
decentralized approach when it comes to players and amps.

A few other thoughts:

1) you're probably doing this already, but if you're not, put Cat5e or
Cat6 cable everywhere, in larger quantities than you'd ever think you'll
use. It's worth it, especially when the walls are still open.

2) the in-ceiling speakers may be okay for background audio, but do you
think you'll want a higher-end system in at least one room for real
listening? If so, then you'll want to have at least one room designed to
have the player and amp in the room, as opposed to a central closet.

3) consider getting in-wall volume controls, especially if you go for a
centralized approach. Yes, you can control the volume with the laptop,
tablet, or phone, but believe me, there will be times you want to be
able to just reach over and turn the volume down without looking for a
remote control. I have simple Russound wall-mounted volume controls in
my kitchen and outdoor systems -- they sit between the amps and the
speakers, and are incredibly convenient.

Good luck!

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