On Jun 8, 9:27 am, Wim Feijen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My vote is +1, because I think Django needs another stable release
> right now. Fortunately, the trunk is stable (thank you!). Rob says
> that it is good for a software project to have regular releases on a
> half-year basis and I totally agree. This gives everyone the
> opportunity to use a recent version of Django. Right now,
> unfortunately, people with strong demands on stability, have to revert
> to an outdated Django 0.96 or take a risk using Django trunk, which
> feels like a choice between two wrongs.
> Personally, I would be very happy to use a Django 1.0, with or without
> newforms, just as it happens. And considering the posts, just having
> this discussion already seems to motivate people into action! :)

Quite a few Django projects are using the trunk version instead of the
stable version for their addons, which is annoying for me running the
stable version.  The problem is that Django has been so long without a
release that the stable version is now a stale version - it reminds me
of Debian taking so long with their releases.

Every once in a while a release is needed for all the developers to
group together on a common target, instead of being forced to pick
between 0.96 and trunk.  I'm not looking for a 1.0 release, just
something to keep developers going with a release until 1.0 is ready.
At the moment people are forced to pick between stale and trunk, which
ends up with more people picking trunk.

The longer you leave it, more incompatible changes are going to be
introduced between 0.96 and 1.0.  If a release is made between then it
gives people a chance to update their sites to fix any problems with
compatability, as well as a chance to play with some of the new

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