On 6/9/08, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  So please, in all honesty, tell me why you think Django's development
>  process isn't "visible" enough for people who are concerned and want
>  to get information.

I give you example: few weeks ago I discovered that problem  #3030
still persists: somebody fixed it by introducing
DatabaseFeatures.autoindexes_primary_keys, but left its value in the
backend.mysql.base to be False, hence the fix has no effect...

If I was asking why, there is no answer, so I don't know what
development process is behind, whether:

- everybody just fucks me off
- nobody cares about MySQL
- nobody knows
- it is an intention
- it is easiness
- will anobody fix it
- should I fix it
- etc...


And there is more examples...


Concerning the original topic: asking for frequent releases, it is
IMHO similiar as with those 'checkbox features' mentioned by Joel
Spolsky http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000339.html


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