On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <

> * Start a "train release" schedule: schedule a couple of 1.0 betas, a
> rc or two, and then a final release. Features that are done by the
> dates get released, those that aren't, don't. Make these dates
> aggressive but not crazy. And -- here's the controversial part -- make
> newforms-admin an "optional" part. If it's done, awesome; if not,
> include it in the next release. The current admin has some bugs, yes,
> but it's usable enough. As long as we advertised that it's on the way
> out we shouldn't have too much trouble.
> Thoughts?

I'd trade your controversial part for an alternative: merge mewforms-admin
back to trunk now.  It's been as 'usable' as old admin for months.  Sure,
it's got a couple of dozen 'blocking' bugs in the tracker but none of them
are all that serious.  Current admin, as you note, also has some bugs.
Trade the existing known-never-going-to-be-fixed current admin bugs for a
different set of newforms-admin bugs and get on with fixing the second set
already.  Once on trunk the community's interest will be higher so you'll
get better feedback on what is and is not really important to users, more
people who might help out with actual fixes, etc.

I think it's a shame newforms-admin wasn't done in a fashion similar to
newforms -- off in its own area of trunk for people to try out as it
developed, with the old stuff still available simultaneously so as not to
cause too much disruption.  But that's water under the bridge, unless it's
an idea that might be used now.  If the group really thinks newforms-admin
is not ready to take the place of current admin, perhaps it could at least
be made available on trunk alongside old admin, much as both newforms and
oldforms are available on trunk.  I know there are probably lots of
irritating details on getting that to work right, but maybe it's a
possibility to think about?  Really, though, I think moving right on to
newforms-admin by merging it to trunk is what should be done.

Releasing a "1.0" without newforms-admin would, I think, be a huge mistake.
I thought the promise of "1.0" was stability -- no more
backwards-incompatible changes.  Don't you completely renege on that promise
if you release a "1.0" with a major component that is going to be replaced
in a entirely non-backwards-compatible way some time down the road?


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