Hi all,

What I have been missing in this discussion is the definition of a
release.  It is important to release in the right manner, so that it
is worth while to spend time on it.

A release could be:

1/ a tag on a specific svn version
2/ a tag on a specific svn version and accompanying branch in which
security patches are made. sub-releases are made off of this branch.
3/ a tag on a specific svn version and accompanying branch in which
security patches and bug fixes are made. No new functionality is
added! sub-releases are made off of this branch.

As far as I know, Django uses option 2. But imho, anything less than 3
is hardly worth wile. Sure, security is important, but so is stability
(API-wise and in terms of the amount of bugs) and quality.

The current latest stable release (0.96.2) does contain bugs, for
which fixes are made in the trunk. This release would have a better
quality when it would get these bug fixes. And it would be easy for
anyone running this release to upgrade to it: just install it, without
worrying about new functionality breaking the API or introducing new
bugs. People would not be 'forced' to make a private fork of Django,
or flee to the trunk, just to get some bugs fixed.

The implication of choosing for option 3 is that you have to keep
track of the versions in which a bug needs to be fixed (e.g. trunk,
0.96 and 0.95), someone needs to make the fix in the different
versions and new sub-releases need to be made of stable versions. This
means extra work and I can imagine that the core development team is
reluctant/does not have time to commit to this. But may be others do.

I hope this is somehow helpful,
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