On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss
> * Wait for newforms-admin to be done, merge it, and release 1.0 (well,
> a series of beta/rcs, then final). This has been "plan A" all along.

+1; this is The Right Thing.

> * Release an interim release right away to respond to this supposed
> "outcry" for a release. I've been opposed to this all along because I
> don't the quality of something released just to get folks to shut up
> will be all that high. A snapshot with an "official" number will
> likely do more harm than good.

-0; this is silly and wastes time, but isn't as actively harmful as ...

> * Start a "train release" schedule: schedule a couple of 1.0 betas, a
> rc or two, and then a final release. Features that are done by the
> dates get released, those that aren't, don't. Make these dates
> aggressive but not crazy. And -- here's the controversial part -- make
> newforms-admin an "optional" part. If it's done, awesome; if not,
> include it in the next release. The current admin has some bugs, yes,
> but it's usable enough. As long as we advertised that it's on the way
> out we shouldn't have too much trouble.

-1.  Releasing 1.0 with a major feature's implementation already
depreciated seems like The Wrong Thing, no matter what project we're
talking about.  Echoing others: once we're past 1.0, this sort of
aggressive timeline would be fine for minor releases.

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