2010/1/13 Tobias McNulty <tob...@caktusgroup.com>:
> I am by no means an expert on the matter, but I remember seeing a comment
> awhile back suggesting that it generally makes more sense to fix the 2to3
> script than to maintain two branches of the same library. Might that be the
> case here as well?

Py3K does not support old-style classes. Django uses these quite a
lot, for instance the Meta-class of a model is old-style. I don't
think it is in any way possible to have an automatic script convert
these in a sensible way as django is deliberately utilizing the
difference between old and new style in no doubt a django-specific
way. If django on 2.x could be rewritten to no longer depend on
old-style classes, and was made to depend on python 2.6 or newer, then
2to3 would have a chance to do its magic.

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