On Jan 31, 1:49 am, Xavier Ordoquy <xordo...@linovia.com> wrote:
> The thread is pretty long because there are also 2 threads in one:
>  - one for simply changing the site_id per request
>  - one for changing the all setting per request


For the record, as far as I'm concerned #15089 is limited in scope to
the first issue: making contrib.sites provide API for getting a Site
object that projects can configure such that the returned Site object
is based on the request, without having to resort to threadlocals.
This may not satisfy everyone's definition of "true multitenancy," but
it covers a lot more use cases than contrib.sites does now.

For those whose definition of "true multitenancy" requires being able
to modify arbitrary settings at runtime per-request, I see only two
realistic (thread-safe) options:

1) Using threadlocals, as discussed above.
2) Fixing Django's settings to be an instance of some kind of
configured "app" object (a la Flask, except we can't call it an app
because we already use that name for something different) rather than
a process global. I don't know that anyone disagrees this would be
better in principle, but I haven't seen any proposals yet for how to
do it in a backwards-compatible way (though I'm not sure that means
it's impossible). If it can't be done backwards-compatibly, that puts
it in the Django 2.0 timeframe (i.e. in the foggy mists of some
unknown future time).


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