On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 12:42 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:

> If you take the literal meaning of quarantine, that means that every
> piece of email from this and every other mailing list would end up in a
> quarantine folder, or some such. I'm fairly certain that is not what
> people want, and I'm doubtful that many receivers implement that. The
> question to my mind is whether there actually exists a state between "we
> don't know" and "trash it because it's not from us". "Quarantine" seems
> to mean "be more suspicious of this", but I'm not sure if that is of any
> help to filters. Ultimately it's whether filters find these policies
> useful is what actually matters. Don't we have enough data lying around
> these days to inform us? If filters are ignoring it, then it's rather
> pointless. This discussion (and many others) should be data driven, IMO.
> Mike

And here we get to some of the crucial unresolved questions involving
email: "Does the wishes of a user of an account at a domain supercede the
policies of the domain owner/administrator of a domain?" "Does a domain
owner/administrator have the right to externalize enforcement of their
internal usage policies?" These questions and associated answers go far
beyond DMARC but certainly impact how one views policy statements made by

Michael Hammer
dmarc mailing list

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