On 12/8/2020 12:11 PM, Dotzero wrote:
Note that I asked Two questions. Your answer appears directed to the second question. The answer to the first question appears fairly clear to me. Administrators of a system can restrict or delete a user account. It really is as simple as that. So in that respect the answer is that ultimately an individual account users do not supersede the wishes/policy of the domain owners representatives.

The second question is a bit more interesting, but ultimately leads one back to the first question. As far as being long settled, I would think that NSF AUP is an interesting precedent.

Michael Hammer

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 2:42 PM Dave Crocker <dcroc...@gmail.com <mailto:dcroc...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 12/8/2020 10:50 AM, Dotzero wrote:
    > And here we get to some of the crucial unresolved questions
    > email: "Does the wishes of a user of an account at a domain
    > the policies of the domain owner/administrator of a domain?"

Sorry, I misread the text I responded to.  To some extent, we all tend to be ambiguous in our references -- though the specific text I misread was not -- and it will help if we are all a lot more consistently precise.

For example:

Author: creates content

Author Domain: controls the use of the domain, per the statement I misread.  And yes, the domain owner has ultimate authority over polices of how the domain is used, by those subject to administration by the domain owner.  Obviously the domain owner has no 'authority' over those using the domain without authorization.  For this latter set of folk, the most the domain owner can do is provide information to receivers of unauthorized use.

Receivers: They have full and complete authority over their operations.  Period, full stop.  There is no 'overriding' the so-called policies of anyone with whom they do not have a pre-existing relationship.

Recipients: They are, of course, subject to the policies of the owner of the platform being used.  They, to, are not subject to the desires of authors or author domain owners, except as the recipient themselves desire.

Really, it will help to be boringly, redundantly precise with every reference, to leave no room for misunderstanding which actor is being referenced.


Dave Crocker

Volunteer, Silicon Valley Chapter
American Red Cross

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