To get X working on my Devuanized reespberry pi I need to install 
xserver-xorg-video-fbdev and -fbturbo.

These packages depend on xorg-video-abi-20, which 
is provided by xserver-xorg-core 2:1.18.4-2rpi1.

What's installed is xserver-xorg-core 2:1.19.2-1+deb....
  presumably from devuan's repository.

How do I get it to install an older-looking package?


I managed to get aptitude to do that as a proposed fixup to another 

The root problem seemd to be that the raspberry pi package for 
xserver-xorg-core comes from oldstable, which matched 
jessie, whereas the other devuan packages I have come from ascii, which 
matches stretch, which is presumably curren stable.

I suspect the solution, sad though it be, is to reinstall raspbian 
jessie, and possibly crossgrade to Devuan jessie, and leave everything 

I'm in mixed-distro dependeny hell.

Is there an actual Devuan raspbeery pi release?  How do I install it?
-- hendrik
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