On 26-07-18 14:05, KatolaZ wrote:
>> Of course does the libsystemd API not provide it, but we can. First call
>> to libsystemd API == systemd installed? If no, call to libnosystemd API
>> which init system == installed? Or something like that. But put in place
>> a mechanism that allows to shell out the calls to libsystemd functions
>> to a set of scripts with pre-defined names would make libnosystemd far
>> more useful imo. Especially for developers.
> But that would entail forking and patching all the packages which use
> libsystemd to force them to check if systemd is available... which is
> exactly what we are trying to avoid by nooping libsystemd0... :P
> KatolaZ
No it would not, it will offer developers who want to use some systemd
API call in their development the opportunity to do so for nosystemd
systems too.
Developers who do not use libsystemd0 now because they do not need it or
cannot afford it (embedded systems with a small memory footprint) can
easily ignore it.

But may be we better discuss this on dev1galaxy instead of this list.



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