On May 25, 2021, at 2:28 PM, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:
> On May 25, 2021, at 17:16, Tim Wicinski <tjw.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> All
>> The authors took the advice from the working group and extracted the more 
>> common features 
>> into a separate document.   The chairs would like the working group to give 
>> some comments, as
>> we feel a document like this should be considered for adoption.
> I had not responded on purpose. As indicated in the past, I find the gains of 
> encrypting but not authenticating authoritative servers not very useful.
> We have an existing authentication mechanism for authenticating authoritative 
> servers (DNSSEC) that we should spend our energy on promoting instead of 
> writing more RFCs about securing the transport leaving the transported data 
> vulnerable to manipulation by an ever more centralized resolver farm.

The question from Tim was whether draft-pp-dprive-common-features should be 
adopted. I believe that there there is nothing in 
draft-pp-dprive-common-features that would prevent a protocol proposal such as 
PaulW has here (even though there is no draft for it). If I'm wrong, the 
-common-features draft should be amended to allow authenticating based on 
DNSSEC, since that seems like an obvious mechanism.

--Paul Hoffman

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