
On Sat, 2011-06-25 at 01:27 -0400, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

> On 06/23/2011 10:13 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
> > We are essentially saying the same thing. For necessary files where 
> > the ODF cannot be read due to the inability of having LibreOffice 
> > installed to read ODF files then falling back on .pdf's is fine. If 
> > there is a need to create a quick and dirty ODF reader, then we should 
> > put this to the dev's as a project -- a "LibreOffice Reader". We 
> > should not be advocating the use of any other format unless we really 
> > have to. If our documents are so important for a user to want to read, 
> > then they should download our product to read our wonderful manuals.
> I expect to see PDF readers on certain platforms long before I see an 
> ODF reader (iPhone, Android, Kindle, etc), yet I may use those devices 
> to read my documents when I am away from my computer.
> Would love to have a copy of LO that works on my portable platforms, but 
> I really do not expect it any time soon. Would be nice, however.... I 
> would rate that as a much lower priority that some other issues in the 
> software (like say a better macro recorder).
> >
> > Otherwise, we relegate the ODF (and LibreOffice) to a secondary 
> > position -- there will always be individuals inside our group who will 
> > clamour for a .pdf version to add "universality" to our product line. 
> > This is completely counter-productive. The request for .pdf will never 
> > cease and all of our documentation will be in ODF/PDF versions with no 
> > real reason to fully adopt the ODF format by any user.
> Well, off hand, I can download the ODF file, generate the PDF, but then 
> I must move it through my computer before I move it on to the devices 
> that do not support ODF. I need to also make certain that you provide 
> all the fonts that I require and install those. I used to have that 
> problem with PDFs generated by my employer. They used some strange font 
> that my computer did not have. I had to install the font before I could 
> view the document. Need to teach them how to embed the font into a PDF 
> file.

I may be wrong, but I believe MSO 2010 and 2007? are able to open ODF files 
except for possibly Base

> > Worse, corporate adoption of our product will be hard to get if they 
> > will never see the benefits of using our products if they only read it 
> > through .pdf formats for their convenience. It is difficult to issue 
> > accolades to a product that second guesses itself to its intended user 
> > base. If pdf's are so necessary, then people should be looking for a 
> > .pdf office suite as everyone extolls its virtues.
> Most of the clients that I see, and even where I work, most of the users 
> are not given sufficient permissions that they are able to install new 
> software on their computers. In most cases, documents that I generate 
> using ODF must be converted to another form for delivery. The only place 
> you will likely have traction when you say "download this to look at my 
> documents" is when you generate a document of sufficient interest that 
> the average user is willing to do so.
> > I don't think Adobe would ever suggest to anyone else to use a 
> > different format for people to read their manuals, they would of 
> > course tell all to download their reader and to then read their 
> > wonderful manuals.
> Easy to shoot holes in most of my concerns as they relates to say LO 
> documentation, however, because the person who desires LO documentation 
> likely has LO installed. So, acrobat documentation as a PDF makes sense. 
> Better not use fonts that the user will not have, however. Consider that 
> in Gnome 3 they removed the minimize button because the average user 
> will be confused by it "where did my program go". Off hand, I would say 
> that if that is true, then it is not reasonable to expect a user to 
> install much of anything (I must be tired and cranky).
> When I am using a computer that is not my own (say at work, at a 
> library, visiting a neighbor or family) and I want to look up something 
> in the documentation.... Asking to install a large piece of software is 
> frequently not an option. I know people that still use dial-up.
> > We should do the same, as we do have the better format of the two. The 
> > use of .dpf's should be done in a very strategic way and not in a 
> > universally applied fashion.
> >
> > All of my opinions.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > Marc
> >
> It is not possible to embed fonts in an ODF document, but I can in a PDF 
> document. Then again, last time I tried to create a PDF/A-1a using LO, 
> the generated PDF was not usable (it caused my PDF reader to crash). 
> Last time I tried this with OOo, it worked fine.
> -- 
> Andrew Pitonyak
> My Macro Document:
> Info:

Jay Lozier

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