On 13.11.2018 00:48, Luca Daghino @ Libero wrote:
> Il 05/11/2018 17:21, Olivier Hallot ha scritto:
>> Hello fellow Authors
>> This weekend we worked to fix the NextCloud service for Authors. The
>> issues were a few and all were fixed.
>> * The previous ODFAuthor share was a folder under my user ID and thus
>> was limited in size by the default TDF member storage. We created a
>> group folder where the limits were increased to a workable condition and
>> similar to the old Plone size.
>> * The existing files were moved from my share to the group folder (now I
>> can breathe !).
>> * Dave Barton is populating the new share with the relevant files picked
>> in the old Plone, reproducing the folder structure of the old file
>> storage.
>> * As decided in the last doc team meeting, the ODFAuthors share was
>> renamed "LibreOffice Documentation" .
>> * Authors interested to join and access LibreOffice Documentation share
>> are invited to ask in this mailing list. I will assign their login to
>> the "odfauthors"  group.
>> * we would like to invite other language communities to join the new
>> LibreOffice Documentation share in NextCloud, as Brazilians, Germans and
>> Turks already did.
>> * Everybody is invited to participate in our documentation team meeting
>> and every Wednesday at 19:00 (Berlin time)
>> Kind regards
> Hello Olivier,
> I created the other day a folder for the Italian community in the new
> NextCloud space. Is it possible for you (or infra members) to move
> everything in odfauthors/LibreOffice/Italian to this new folder in
> nextcloud, maybe using scripts?
> Or do we have to move all files manually?
> And... while trying to login to NextCloud right now, I'm forwarded to
> this page:
> https://nextcloud.documentfoundation.org/apps/user_saml/saml/acs
> where I see nothing but 3 buttons on the left (one is JSON)
> Thank you! :)

Hi Luca,

I don't believe it is possible to automate the copying over of content
from ODFAuthors to Nextcloud in the way that you would like.

I copied over all the required English content by downloading the files
locally to one of my computers, then uploading them to Nextcloud.
Getting the files from ODFAuthors has to be done one file at a time :( ,
but Nextcloud does allow for (very careful) drag and drop batch
uploading :) .

There appears to be a problem with the redirection of your Nextcloud
login that needs fixing.
Guilhem: Any chance you could help Luca with this?


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