On Monday, 28 March 2022 21:41:16 BST Patrick Wigmore wrote:
> And is this borne out in the testing? Does the Visitor's device get
> issued with an address in the expected range under both the working
> and non-working scenarios? Does it also get told about the same DNS
> server and default gateway (if any) in each case?

Yes.  In both scenarios the Visitor's device gets an IP Address and is told 
about the DNS Server and default gateway, which is the Webserver.  What 
doesn't work is the script that points the Visitors Web Browser to the landing 

Since I originally posted this, things have moved on.  Yesterday I experienced 
several instances where the system worked with the link to the VPN Server 
connected and a couple when it didn't when it wasn't.  I've been in contact 
with the author of pistrong and he got me to capture some Webserver data in 
both scenarios and we both came to the conclusion that the link to the VPN 
Server was a red herring; the problem lies with nodogsplash.

This used to occur very rarely in the original installation (including before 
the VPN Server went in), but now it seems to be worse.  That is what I am 
looking at now.

> Does the Visitor's device obtain any unintended Internet access at
> all?

No.  The only Internet access is in the initial stage when requests from the 
client devices to certain Google Servers are passed on to allow the device to 
'see' the WiFi Network as a valid network and not a walled garden.  Once the 
connection is established the the Visitor's device is issued with a token 
which provides access to the WMT content, but blocks access to the Internet.


                Terry Coles

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