Hi Paul:

At first, it will appear as a unsulvable puzzle trying to remove the rod and yke from the frame. But keep at it..it will come out without bending and go back in. Takes me a few minutes every time to figure out how mto rotate it around to get it past the guide rod that is fixed into the frame. This is all much easier to do if the whole assembly is out of the rig already.


Paul Gerhardt wrote:
Thanks for letting me know that the fork to 'slug rod' joint is
soldered.  On the one I have here it was a poor solder connection.  As
it should be grounded I will take the fork all the way out and use the
method Garey suggested for getting it back together.

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 8:39 PM, Curt Nixon <cptc...@flash.net> wrote:
I think he was asking about the fork to slug rod connection.  It is
definitely soldered on the ones I have here.  Glue or JB weld epoxy is not a
good choice since the slug rod is grounded through the fork to the guide
rod.  A loose slug rod connection will definitely be a jumping issue.
Re-soldering seems the only proper solution.

The theads are just for the screw to fork..  The slug Rod to fork, in the
middle, is soldered.  Should be no threads there. But it will require the
slug rod be removed from the assembly which means a complete field strip of
the entire assembly.  I would not try to solder it while in situ.


Garey Barrell wrote:
The fork  _IS_  threaded!

Perhaps I misunderstood your problem.   The fork is NOT fixed to the
tuning shaft.  The shaft rotates and the fork is driven back and forth by
the threads??????

IF the fork is solidly affixed to the shaft, the shaft can't turn!!

73, Garey - K4OAH
St Charles, IL

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Paul Gerhardt wrote:

The above link answered most of my questions.

The end of the rod is threaded with solder on it and the fork is not
threaded so my last remaining question is; how was the tuning rod
affixed to the 'fork'.  Would it be better to;
        1. Use glue like JB Weld or Super Glue
         2.  put more solder on the threads of the rod and press fit
it back on with a hammer
         3.  put more solder on the threads AND the fork soldering
them together.

Opt 1 would be the easest and safest method it seems...??

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