I can see your point Charlie, but maybe the people who we REALLY need to 
ask are the people who put on the DXpedition and went there.  Just like 
those who climb Mt. Everest or K2, they knew what they were getting into 
beforehand and knew what was likely to happen when they got there.

It seems there are people willing to go to these places so we can sit in 
our comfy chairs and try to work them.  They do so on their own 
responsibility.  They took the risk and great personal cost to do so.  
How are THEY going to feel if the entity is deleted and their work was 
for naught?

The time to "delete" an entity such as Scarborough is before it even gets 
created.  That way no one has to feel a personal loss because they did 
risk their lives and pocketbooks for nothing.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Thu, 10 May 2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

> However, I have to ask if this set of rocks is worth the risks?  I know 
> mountain climbers die in their efforts and there are many other very 
> dangerous "sport" activities, but should we as a hobby sanction placing our 
> fellow hams into a place where the slightest bad weather, lightning strike, 
> or just a nasty fall would have been an easy-to-happen disaster.  How would 
> we feel as hams if the worst had happened there?  How much should we depend 
> on LUCK? I think anyone can go where ever they please, but not with the 
> sanction and official stamp of our great avocation.
> Maybe it is time to re-think the DXCC status of this place?
> Charles Harpole

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