Please, I'm not sure how it has come down to this but for the record: I
absolutely *do* support work/life balance initiatives and models that are
family (and couple and single-person)-positive, both inside and outside of

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Jacquelyn Gill <> wrote:

> Hi Karen,
> The problem with this framework is that you risk guilting parents (usually
> women) for choices they
> are forced to make, or even those they may genuinely want to make,
> especially if the parents' level of
> engagement doesn't match what others expect. Like I said earlier, for some
> people, a mother's
> choosing to work at all is irresponsible. Framing arguments in this way is
> ultimately damaging and
> shifts the burden away from institutions who need to step up and support
> parents, and instead shifts
> that burden to parents for whom choice may be relative and is definitely
> highly value-laden. I don't
> see the value in reminding people who are probably already very aware that
> that can't spend enough
> time with their kids that, in addition for working hard to provide their
> family at the expense of having
> a fulfilling life, they're also not really raising their kids. Those
> choices were probably hard to make. I
> also still fail to see how that is relevant to a discussion of women in
> academia-- the overwhelming
> evidence is that women are leaving academia because there aren't
> institutions in place to support
> them, not that women are abandoning their families.
> Best wishes,
> Jacquelyn

G. Karen Golinski, PhD

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