This is a periodic status posting for the ecopath discussion

Ecopath is an unmoderated list for topics related to living

Currently this list has about 85 members and is slowly
shrinking.  Every time i touch the subject of politics
people leave,  so we are probably living in tense times.

The archives for ecopath can be found on the web at:

The Ecopath web page is at:

To unsubscribe email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the message:      unsubscribe your-email-address-here

To subscribe email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the message:      subscribe your-email-address-here

To posts messages send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ecopath is also echoed to a list
and can be accessed there.

jeff owens, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
  -- Mahatma Gandhi

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