
I've already framed this and hung it in the hallway. Thanks for your ongoing 


On Apr 14, 2016, at 6:21 PM, "Gary Smith" <> wrote:

> Wayne & Eric,
> Here's the way it is, according to me: 
> I really like the radios and equipment you 
> make. Flash is pretty but I crave an 
> eloquent solution for what I want to do 
> and I don't honestly give too much of a 
> flip as to how somebody else wants their 
> radio to be. 
> One thing is for sure, I don't want a 
> "one-time radio is all it is, take it or 
> leave it", you buy it & that's what it is 
> forever more. I want a radio that I can 
> configure to what I want to do with it, 
> get it right for me, and leave it 
> configured that way. 
> I'm a creature of habit and once it works 
> right for me, I'll know how to use it the 
> next time and for as long as I wish, it 
> will perform just how I want it to; no 
> mysteries. I want a radio that is updated 
> such that hardware and software are made 
> available to improve what I had earlier 
> bought. Elecraft does this and none of the 
> others do. Made here in the USA too. Put 
> that on the wish list for Icom.
> Would I like a big knob here & there? Not 
> if I'm not going to use it. Do I need a 
> better contesting rig? With my K3 and wire 
> antennas I keep on winning state and 
> division contests in my class, I don't 
> think more knobs would give me better 
> scores. Faster typing might help and maybe 
> better ears but that's organic deficits, 
> not electronic. 
> Would I like a big rig that is a cross 
> between a computer and a microwave? No, 
> not unless it also cooks for me like a 
> microwave in the middle of one of those 
> contests. I'll take a BrontoBurger with 
> cheese & Chippotle sauce from the 
> replicator, please.
> You two are a whole lot younger than I am 
> and with that, the odds being what they 
> are, you'll likely be designing and making 
> radios well after I'm gone from this coil. 
> So with that little bit of reality I can 
> say that there is nobody who makes a radio 
> I want more than my K3s at this time. You 
> keep innovating and I'll have a company to 
> support and in the process, I'll spruce up 
> my shack in these here Golden years with 
> the finest upcoming radios money can buy.
> I don't need the newest and greatest 
> immediately, I can wait. But when I do 
> want that, I know exactly where to get it; 
> on Westridge Drive in Watsonville, 
> California.
> 73,
> Gary
> KA1J
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