
I recently repaired a K2 that had lived for several years in the salt air of Houston Texas. The external case screws and the connectors on the rear panel were corroded enough that they were changed. However, the inside of the K2 still looked just fine.

If I can base any conclusions on that one K2, I would suggest that you cover your K2 when it is not in use - just a sheet of plastic would probably do the job although you may want to look into some kind of custom cover for it.

Remember that this comment is based on my brief observation of one K2 that had been in a salt air environment - it would be unwise for me to generalize any further on the subject.


Tom Zeltwanger wrote:
I operate from the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. The water there is only moderately salty but corrosion is very rapid compared to my experience with inland QTHs. I was wondering if this would be a problem for my equipment. So far, no problem. I imagine anyone near the sea shores has this problem.


Tom KG3V
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