Thanks Don,

That is probably ood advice. I keep the equipment in a closed room, but I think
I will cover it. I generally keep my radios for a long time (this K2 is
replacing a Kenwood TS-930, bought in about 1980!).


Tom KG3V

Quoting Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Tom,
> I recently repaired a K2 that had lived for several years in the salt 
> air of Houston Texas.  The external case screws and the connectors on 
> the rear panel were corroded enough that they were changed.  However, 
> the inside of the K2 still looked just fine.
> If I can base any conclusions on that one K2, I would suggest that you 
> cover your K2 when it is not in use - just a sheet of plastic would 
> probably do the job although you may want to look into some kind of 
> custom cover for it.
> Remember that this comment is based on my brief observation of one K2 
> that had been in a salt air environment - it would be unwise for me to 
> generalize any further on the subject.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> Tom Zeltwanger wrote:
> > I operate from the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. The water
> there is 
> > only moderately salty but corrosion is very rapid compared to my experience
> > with inland QTHs. I was wondering if this would be a problem for my
> equipment. 
> > So far, no problem. I imagine anyone near the sea shores has this problem.
> > 
> > 73,
> > 
> > Tom KG3V
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