Ken Kopp wrote:

The question of how to apply it to the inside of a K2 remains .... Maybe
put it in an infant's sock and put that inside a K2. There are some very
transparent, finely woven fabrics that could be sewn into an appropiately
sized "baggie" that would allow visual insprection to know then it's time
to pop it into the oven.  Think "Victoria's Secret ... (:-))

FWIW: My hearing disappeared one night some 40 years ago on the other side of the planet. Over the years, the VA has provided me with hearing aids which have slowly increased in complexity [and cost, although fortunately, not to me :-) ]. Just got some new ones, and I now get to walk around with about $5K of electronics and DSP in my ears.

They came with a little plastic jar into which I put them each night. It has a little round pillow in the bottom that is filled with silica gel crystals, and that has a perforated plastic bottom. I nuke it for about 30 sec when the crystals are purple, and they turn blue again.

The pillow would easily fit into a K2. I think you can get these things at hearing aid stores.

Incidentally, corrosion was not the problem for us in SE Asia, and unless you're in a true marine setting, I doubt it would be a problem for anyone's equipment inside a house whether or not it is left on. Our problem was fungus ... on our gear and on us. The gear is long gone, but the jungle rot hangs on to me tenaciously.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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