Sadly, Julian, Elecraft's previous good name is being tarnished by the K3 fiasco.

For several months, non-Elecraft users have been asking me about my K3. I keep putting them off and telling them I will let them know when I get it. Unfortunately, with them it has now become somewhat of a joke.

Like you, I ordered mine with a deposit early May, prompted by the attraction of one of the first 200. Will it ever happen?


David G4DMP

In a recent message, Julian G4ILO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote ...
The option to pay a 50% deposit is still on the Elecraft order page.
Doubtless the offer to get one of the first 200 is now withdrawn, but
one wonders what the benefit of paying the deposit is, in that case.
David G4DMP
Leeds, England, UK

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