The main problem Greg is inconsistency of information. The way I read the latest update is :

w/c 26 Nov - shipping remaining orders received on 1 May
w/c   3 Dec - shipping orders received on 2 May
that seems fairly clear, we also know that that the first peak went on to 3 May so it seems reasonable to say
w/c 10 Dec - shipping orders received up to 3 May
plus another peak on 7 May
w/c 17 Dec - shipping orders received on 7 May

There may be a big increase in output towards end of w/c 10 and 17 Dec which will allow completion of the first production run. We know that initially this run was to be 200 units and then extended (speculatively) to around 250. Orders for this closed at 1800 14 May and anyone paying their 50% deposit would be included in that run.

What is now confusing is that you are told that your order placed on 6 July will be shipped before Christmas. This is really strange given that we know the above dates. It means that all orders received at Dayton will be shipped before end of December, plus all orders for the rest of May, plus all orders during June, plus all orders placed early July. I really do find that difficult to believe.

With respect to the 50% deposit, we understood paying that placed you in the first production run. If you didn't opt to pay then you would be in the 2nd run. What I don't understand is how that still works. It seems to me that a deposit should not be required after 14 May and if someone does elect to pay then it would not guarantee moving up the queue. That should be made clear.

I ordered and paid my deposit for a K3/100 plus 2nd rx and received conformation at 1221 on 14 May so expect to be in the 1st run. I have recently been hopeful of receiving it before Christmas but I am now not sure since it would have to be shipped by 14 Dec at latest.

Shipping of the 2nd rx should commence Sunday 30 December, this hasn't changed so I presume it is still on schedule. Again I have paid my 50% so assume it will be in the first batch. My guess is that that not all 1st prodn orders included the 2nd rx so I might just get that in time for RSGB AFS CW contest on 13 Jan, which would really be very useful as I do SO2V in that event. The only problem I see is that I might have the 2nd rx but no K3 to put it in!!

As I said first off, it is the lack of consistent information that is confusing and frustrating.

Chris G3SJJ

Greg - N4CC wrote:
Oh come on now, David...there is no "fiasco". The folks at Aptos are doing a marvelous job. They've had to deal with things that just "happen" when you have a complex production operation and are relying on subs for contract parts/boards.

So the first K3's didn't come out on the original schedule...they have communicated why that is true and are providing weekly updates of revised schedules. The anxiety that is being created is caused more by people on this reflector who are SPECULATING on what is happening and whining about it. If you read updates you would know that if you ordered in early May then your radio is likely to ship in the next couple weeks...and if that changes, you will know why...Here's what was said...
Shipping weeks of Nov 26-30 and Dec 3-7
(Orders with deposits):
We will be shipping the remaining 5/1 orders and many of the 5/2 orders during this period. (We still have at least a week to go on 5/1 orders due to the very short holiday week last week.)

We have been running a little slow on assembled K3s and are still working on shipping a small number of these from 4/27-30 this week. The shipping rate on these will pick up this week (week of 11/26) and next.

The initial rush of orders was greatest 4/27-5/3, and also on 5/7. After that group is shipped our movement through the backlog calendar will pick up considerably. We're also adding staff (and overtime) in production and test and hope to beat the above plan. We'll update it here early each week.

How can you ask for more than that? If you have a specific question regarding your order, ask them...don't talk about tarnished reputation on a reflector.

I sent a note to Lisa yesterday evening asking if she expected shipment of my radio before Christmas. Mine was ordered on July 6. AT 8:02 PM Pacific time she replied...and said that if things go as planned it should be shipped before the end of the year... Try sending a note to one of the other manufacturers and see if you get a reply from them at 8 p.m. Ha!

I also had not put down a deposit and told her that I would be happy to do that if priority was being given to those who did provide the deposit. She said a deposit would not change my place in line. I'm absolutely delighted and astounded by the prompt response from some obviously dedicated people. I've never owned an Elecraft radio before but if it works as well as the customer service, I know I will be happy. Patience, lad...if you didn't have the anticipation, you wouldn't appreciate it as much when you do get it. 73 de Greg-N4CC
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