On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, G4ILO wrote:

I think this is exactly the kind of thing that people are objecting to.
Taking away the work and the element of chance involved in hunting for the
DX removes a lot of the challenge, even if you do still have to work it. And
if the big guns are instantly alerted to the presence of any DX on the band,
it reduces the window of opportunity for the alert, but un-equipped with
this program, little pistols.

But, one needs to consider that for some, the game is all about winning, so any tool that allows that is far more important than other measures.

I suspect that as long as there are competitions, there will be folks who produce and use tools that give them a competetive advantage.

There may even be folks who stopped feeling the need to collect merit badges for their sashes after they ceased being teenagers.

73, k3hrn
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