Kristofer Munsterhjelm wrote:

What method will be used in Burlington now -- Plurality or runoff? Since you said 40% earlier, I guess it's a runoff, but 40% sounds odd as a runoff threshold. Shouldn't it be majority? Anything less and the voters might have preferred someone else.
The argument for 40% as opposed to 50% comes from political scientists and is practical rather than conceptual. Essentially it is that a plurality winner who gets 40% is extremely unlikely to lose a runoff against the second-place candidate, so that the runoff isn't worth the additional expense (to the candidates and voters as well as the government). A refinement on this is the "double complement rule", described here:

I'm not supporting either the double complement rule or the 40% threshold. I'm just reporting what I know about the rationale.

Bob Richard
Executive Vice President
Californians for Electoral Reform
PO Box 235
Kentfield, CA 94914-0235

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