Thanks for this great writeup! It really helps to read about other's 
experiences in an authentic and non-promotional way like this when making 
stack decision.

On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 9:08:43 AM UTC-4, Peter Damoc wrote:
> I keep postponing this for a few weeks but today my partner decided to 
> stop the collaboration and I'll take advantage of this moment to write this 
> post mortem. 
> *Context*
> I was approached by a friend few months ago about a B2B project that was 
> supposed to help small businesses issue beautiful invoices. It was suppose 
> to be a free product that would synergize with some other products that his 
> business was already delivering. I was supposed to implement it and he 
> would do all the marketing and promotion.
> Having total freedom, I decided to use Elm to implement the platform in 
> cooperation with another part-time programmer that would do a JSON backend 
> in PHP. 
> The product required that the interface would be modern, responsive, 
> dynamic and look great. 
> *Beginning Phase*
> The first phase of the development was dominated by personal attempts at 
> reimplementing reactive design elements such as drawers that show on big 
> screens and hide on small devices. After a few buggy attempts I ended up 
> trowing everything away and switching to elm-mdl. 
> A considerable amount of time was also invested at this point to set up 
> some kind of automatic build environment. I ended up with a solution based 
> on gulp. 
> *Middle Phase *
> Once the build environment was set up, things started to move a little 
> faster. I then ended up needing CSS and after playing a little bit with 
> elm-css and hitting several missing properties I decided to implement my 
> own library, taking inspiration from all 3 libraries that were dealing with 
> style (rtfeldman/elm-css, elm-style and massung/elm-css). In hindsight this 
> might have been a rather bad idea for productivity reasons but I have 
> learned a lot. 
> *Ending Phase *
> After I passed the 5000 LOC mark, things really started to crumble around 
> me. My mind could no longer deal with the complexity I have created. 
> Most of the brain cyles in this phase have been wasted trying to use the 
> little JS I know to try and somehow add to my Elm UI some widgets that I 
> needed. I have failed.
> I have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to add some Dropdowns to 
> some forms I had, ending up reimplementing part of them in Elm and using 
> some CSS form the Semantic UI project. 
> Another large amount of time was spent trying to integrate a carousel. I 
> ended up reimplementing a bare bone version in pure Elm. 
> By the end, the code grew to about 8000 LOC of Elm. 
> *Conclusions *
> - *Elm is an amazing language.* I've had countless moments of sheer 
> pleasure programing in Elm for this app. 
> - *Elm lacks the full story. *My main hope was that I could implement the 
> app even if I had very little CSS or JS knowledge. I could not do this. Elm 
> does not have yet something that would allow someone to stop touching CSS. 
> -* I would not recommend webdev beginners to take the approach I took.* 
> It is better for now to stay the tried and proven path and just use Elm to 
> implement smaller components in another web framework. 
> - *The tooling around producing a deliverable elm webapp are simply not 
> ready yet.* 
> Thank you for taking the time to read this. 
> If any of you has curiosities around this experience, feel free to ask me 
> anything. :) 
> -- 
> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
> blog:

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