Hello John,

Great to read your thoughts on the topic - I am a huge admirer of
your work and we both seem to cope with similar issues with

* John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:
> One is to use the new dynamic module capability to write an org parser in
> C, or a dedicated agenda function, which would presumably be faster than in
> elisp.  This seems hard, and for me would certainly be a multiyear project
> I am sure! The downside of this is the need to compile the module. I don't
> know how easy it would be to make this work across platforms with the
> relatively easy install org-mode currently has. This could have a side
> benefit though of a c-lib that could be used by others to expand where
> org-mode is used.

I'm not a fan of C at all but having the parser in C with the
possibility to use this parser for external tools as well sounds
awesome to me. After all, I've written a primitive parser for a
sub-set of Org-mode for https://github.com/novoid/lazyblorg using

> The other way that might work is to rely more heavily on a cached version
> of the files, perhaps in a different format than elisp, that is faster to
> work with. The approach I have explored in this is to index org files into
> a sqlite database. The idea then would be to generate the agenda from a sql
> query. I use something like this already to "find stuff in orgmode
> anywhere". One of the reasons I wrote this is the org-agenda list of files
> isn't practical for me because my files are so scattered on my file system.
> I had a need to be able to find TODOs in research projects in a pretty wide
> range of locations.
> The code I use is at
> https://github.com/jkitchin/scimax/blob/master/org-db.el, and from one
> database I can find headlines, contacts, locations, TODO headlines across
> my file system, all the files that contain a particular link, and my own
> recent org files. 

I didn't try org-db.el yet. So far, I survived using "git grep" and
counsel-grep [0]

> I am moderately motivated to switch from sqlite to MongoDB

Is org-db.el your standard way of accessing informations or do you
use it only for occasional searches where you assume that the usual
methods would be slow?

> The main point of the database was to get a query language, persistence and
> good performance. I have also used caches to speed up using bibtex files,
> and my org-contacts with reasonable performance. These have been all elisp,
> with no additional dependencies. Maybe one could do something similar to
> keep an agenda cache that is persistent and updated via hook functions.

Oh yeah. My org-contacts were unusable without at least some minor
performance improvements as well. Most important to me: improving
manipulation of properties using [1].

For example, org-set-property takes almost 20 seconds to give me its
interactive input line in my main Org-mode file. This is a no-go.
[1] helped me here a lot.


get mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML into Org-mode:
       > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <
Personal Information Management > http://Karl-Voit.at/tags/pim/
Emacs-related > http://Karl-Voit.at/tags/emacs/

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