On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@wdtv.com> wrote:

> Greetings Guys;
> Someone mentioned that rockhopper can make .pdf
> s somehow, and those of coarse can be scaled.
> Since I now own an HL3170CDW color laser printer, what steps does it take
> to do this, blowing my lathe .hal file up into at least a 6 page output?
> _

It's deja vu all over again:-)

I just fired up Rockhopper again with the sim/axis/axis_mm config to remind
myself that it produces the halgraph image in SVG format. I saved the image
and looked inside. Right after the DOCTYPE declaration appears the
information line

 <!-- Generated by Graphviz version 2.20.2 (Tue Mar &#160;2 21:46:26 UTC
     For user: (kreed) Kent Reed,,, -->
<!-- Title: HAL Diagram Pages: 1 -->
<svg width="1810pt" height="2159pt"
 viewBox="0.00 0.00 1810.00 2159.00" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";

Great. Graphviz graciously tells us what it thinks the image size should be
(SVG is scalable vector graphics and doesn't care). You'll have to figure
out the size of the printable area on your printer. Let's say its 8.25" X
10.75" (laugh if you must, you A4 bigots! It doesn't get any prettier
converting millimeters to points). At 72pt per inch, that's 594pt X 774pt
so the image size is roughly 3 sheets X 3 sheets.

You can use the ImageMagick suite (available through the Synaptic Package
Manager) to create a bunch of image files of the right size out of the
original SVG image:

convert -crop 594x774 halgraph.svg halgraph-%d.png

Hmmm. I get 12 images, not 9. Oh, wait, my "roughly" overlooked the fact
that the image is slightly wider than 3 sheets.

Anyway, there's your letter sheet-sized images. I tried to create the
images in pdf directly using convert but I got abnormally wide output
images. Similarly, I got strange results converting the png files to pdf
using convert. You could futz around some more to get good pdf conversion
or you can just print the png files directly from the Gnome Image Viewer or
whatever you're using.

As a matter of curiousity, what is the width and height information in your
halgraph.svg file? I suppose if it's big enough, convert could choke.

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