Reinhard, I'm on your side, I rest my case. Thanks for summarising all the
failings of the current default GUI.

Rod Webster
*1300 896 832*
+61 435 765 611

On Sat, 2 May 2020 at 17:33, Reinhard <>

> On Samstag, 2. Mai 2020, 08:22:05 CEST Jared McLaughlin wrote:
> > In my opinion, linuxcnc should be more like a distro that
> > you install packages on. The UI's should be packages that are not
> > maintained by the main development team.
> That makes sense
> > I also agree with the idea that a cleaned up "new version" should be
> > considered for the next major release.
> Would be nice!
> > I have used PathPilot and it seems a lot better than the other
> > LinuxCNC UI's I poked at before. That said, I feel like even PathPilot
> > has a long way to go ...
> Well, I'm the creator of JCNCScreen.
> The reason, why I started with such a big time-consuming work was, that
> none
> of the existing UIs was really usable for me (including PathPilot and
> others).
> I'm bit outdated, so I can't read axis and the like, that don't respect
> proposals of window manager (i.e. like fontsize). Even on my desktop pc I
> need
> glasses and put my nose onto the screen to be able to read axis ...
> For me, it is important, that I'm able to recognize the most important
> states
> of the machine at a glance. Even from a distance of about 4-5 meters.
> None of the UI offers this. Most if not all are too noisy - and you need
> several seconds to find out, what is relevant and what is just
> high-polishing
> for non-machinists - and even then: not every important state is visible.
> Of cause, that does not mean, that I want to read gcode from that
> distance,
> but important machine states should be recognizable.
> Another problem is, that neither pyqt, nor gscreen runs on my desktop box.
> I
> don't know enuf of python to solve that problems on my own and it does not
> help, if others state, that they don't have problems.
> So I started with java, where I know to solve my own problems.
> Startup may be too slow, but response time of the running app is fast enuf
> for
> anything.
> I don't really need my own UI - if another UI would offer, what I'm
> looking
> for, it would be just fine.
> cheers Reinhard
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