    I have a one man hobby shop with multiple machines, I really don't 
anticipate having them running simultaneously, but I plan on leaving 
them hooked up thus multiple 7I43.  Since HostMot2 doesn't use the USB 
is there any advantage of getting models with the USB port other than as 
possibly a power source?  Would there be any advantage to getting the 
larger Spartan device?  Does the Xilinx ISE recognize this card for 
programing or do we need to use Mesa supplied software for that purpose?


Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hubert 
> Bahr wrote:
>>     Does HostMot2 work over the usb port?  Can I use both Step&Dir 
>> and encoder modules at the same time?  Can we use more than one 7I43 
>> with one computer?  How does the performance of the system compare 
>> between HostMot2 and just software generated step and direction?
> HostMot2 does not use the USB port at all - only an EPP parallel port.
> You can use any combination of Step/Dir outputs, PWM outputs, and 
> Quadrature encoder inputs.  For example, the "SVST4_4" firmware for 
> the 7i43 supports 4 Servos (each servo is one encoder input and one 
> pwm output) and 4 Steppers (Step/Dir output), plus 16 GPIO pins (for 
> limit switches etc).  You can dynamically disable individual stepgens, 
> pwmgens, and encoders, and their pins become additional gpios.
> You can have one 7i43 per EPP parallel port, there's no real limit to 
> how many you can run at a time.  Just realize that EPP communication 
> is quite slow, and it takes something like 100-200 microseconds to 
> service each 7i43.  This is fast compared to emc2's normal 1 KHz servo 
> loop, but still....  If you need more IO than one 7i43 provides, you 
> should consider using a 5i20.  The cost of one PCI parport board and 
> two 7i43s is not *that* much less than the cost of one 5i20 (though 
> two 7i43s have more I/O than one 5i20).
> HostMot2 provides stable step generation independent of any realtime 
> latency issues the host computer might have.  Software step generation 
> tops out at one step per base period, so maybe 25-50 KHz depending on 
> your computer.  The fastest hm2 stepping that i know if is the Smithy 
> machines that step at 400 KHz with no problems; the firmware can go 
> way faster than that.

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