On Dec 9, 2009, at 4:49 AM, Andy Pugh wrote:

> 2009/12/9 Jeshua Lacock <jes...@3dtopo.com>:
>> I know it doesn't work well on (at all?) on most laptops. Can anyone
>> recommend a way to run it in a moving vehicle? I want to control a
>> servo while on the road....
> Do you _need_ Realtime?
> What sort of servo?
> I am planning to use an RC aircraft servo and a USB interface to
> twiddle something in the engine bay of a car at some stage.
> http://www.phidgets.com/products.php?category=11&product_id=1000

I am not sure, but I think I do.

It would be steering a vehicle to keep it in close as possible to a  
vector of travel based on differential GPS signals.

It would be used for gradiometer data collection for archeology. The  
more accurate the grid is sampled, the better.

I think an alternative and possibly a smaller/less energy hungry  
solution might be based an Arduino board to control the servo, but I  
have way more experience programming in Linux than I do the Arduino...

Plus, EMC already controls servos very well, so it would just be a  
matter of telling it to jog forward or backwards to keep on the  
vehicle on the vector. Trying to keep the development and hardware  
costs to a minimum.


Jeshua Lacock
3DTOPO Incorporated
Phone: 208.462.4171

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