On 03/23/2012 11:42 AM, charles green wrote:
> nicer, but still only a handful of documented params.  i was looking at a 
> document dated a little over a year ago (11jan2011).
> do you know if the params #31 to #5000 contain useful info?  like g90/g91 
> state, for example, or any registration of the other groups apart from group 
> 12?
> "you started this.  show me everything." - ellen ripley

Oh...  I don't think you want to mess with that...  - Hicks

Parameters 31-5000 are deliberately unused by linuxcnc, and thus 
available for the g-code programmer to use.

Ah yes, that's even what the docs say (somewhat cryptically, focus on 
the "user parameters" part):

>    *
>       /1-5000/ - G-Code user parameters. These parameters are global
>       in the G Code file.

The (slightly) improved docs in the master branch 
say this:

> 31-5000
>     G-Code user parameters. These parameters are global in the G Code
>     file, and available for general use. Volatile.

Oh hey look!  In master (aka devel), there are some predefined named 
parameters that carry the g90/g91 state:


I think those variables are new in the master branch, and not available 
in the 2.5 branch.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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