On 19.01.13 23:22, Viesturs Lācis wrote:
> I do not think that it is possible in car, so the question is:
> Can anyone suggest a small pump, powered by AC electricity and, what
> is most important, that will work in -20C, -30C temperature? I was
> thinking about all these aquarium pumps - size is great, flow rate
> also good, but I am reserved about them working below 0C.

Question: Does the pump need to work so far below 0°C if it is placed
near the cheap heater you're fitting? If the pump is within a modestly
insulated enclosure, adjacent to the heater (possibly padded a bit so it
doesn't get too hot), then it should be warm enough to function by the
time the engine coolant is warm enough to be pumped. So long as its
bearing lubricant is not frozen, the motor should be fine. The shaft
seal on a centrifugal pump would be the main concern?

I'm having trouble relating to those unimaginably low temperatures. It
was over 46°C in Penrith (45.8°C in Sydney) yesterday. Here in Victoria
it's much cooler today, but it snows leaves every time the wind blows on
the arid hotter days (40+°C), and the Manna Gums shed all their outer
bark when it gets hot, so the 45 x 240L wheelie-bins of leaves (plus 6
cu. m of sticks) cleaned up on my 3/4 acre outer-suburban block before
Christmas is as good as cancelled by all the crap which has fallen
since. Adequate insurance, evac kit packed, and regular monitoring of
the radio and the fire authority website are all you can do, with the
house surrounded by eucalypt forest. (Oh, and leave early - the roads in
our hills cannot cope with a mass evacuation.)


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