So, I have to switch to 2.8-pre for JA?


---- Charles Steinkuehler <> wrote: 
> On 8/25/2016 11:38 AM, wrote:
> > 
> > So I guess it does do that.  Now if one home was physically
> > installed where it trips 0.53" before physical end-of-travel, if
> > this were NOT the gantry axis I'd just give its final machine coord
> > as 0.53" and its machine coord is correct (0=end-of-travel).  But
> > in this one, say one gantry switch is mounted to trip at 0.5" but
> > the other trips at 0.65".  If homing acts like non-gantry joints,
> > it would physically leave it at 0.5" and 0.65" and leave joint mode
> > with it physically out of sync like that.  Which would mean the
> > joints are racked by 0.15" and will forever be locked like that
> > because future moves are in axis mode, not joint mode.
> > 
> > Does it have the ability to physically move the joints into
> > alignment based on .ini parameters saying one switch is 0.15" off,
> > or do I just need to keep physically remounting one switch until
> > its trip point is "close enough" to the other?
> No.  On the machines I wrote the gantry component for, typically there
> is a small screw used to adjust the tripping point for each homing switch.
> As Andy mentioned, you may want to just use a version of LinuxCNC that
> supports JA.  When I wrote the gantry component that wasn't an option,
> and the behavior of LinuxCNC with any non-trivial kinematics (even
> something as simple as a gantry) was very painful from a user
> perspective (or at least from *THIS* user's perspective).  I haven't
> messed with JA, but it's supposedly *MUCH* better at handling these
> sorts of machines.
> -- 
> Charles Steinkuehler

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