
I commented out the following variables:

[EMCMOT] section
 COMM_WAIT = 0.010

[TRAJ] section
 CYCLE_TIME = 0.010

Fired up the machine with the link on the desktop and didn't see any warnings 
or anything through the axis gui.  Was able to jog all three axis of the 
machine.  I didn't have time before leaving for work to do any more testing.  
(After reading your response a second time, I see you also removed the 
CYCLE_TIME for [EMCIO].  That was not one I was asking about because I found it 
in the INI documentation. although I see your point.)

My setup is parport driven stepper system with configs created by stepconf 
using the axis gui.  I launched the controller with the link that stepconf 
placed on the destop.  Should I be starting it from command line to see the 
error you have or something else?

John suggest I open an issue on this but want to make sure I am not including 
something that I shouldn't or vice versa before I do.


Joe Hildreth 

> Interesting comment, John K.
> So I fired up the editor and took both CYCLE_TIME settings in the .ini
> file out of the ini file for my small mill.
> On running it, trajectory did not complain, but emcio did, saying it was
> useing the default timing of .01 seconds, same as the ini file setting.
> That did not prevent it from running. So I restored that one, but left
> it commented out in the [TRAJ] section.
> Based on that, the [TRAJ] section CYCLE_TIME could probably go away.
> But does changing the one in [EMCIO] actually do anything in the way of
> optimizing things better when generating motor steps in software? Or
> conversely in a 5i25 or work-alike card where there is not a base
> thread?
> Whomever has kicked those "tires" recently should be able to comment.
> Adding to the wiki files under EMCIO would also be a nice clarification.

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