On 8 Apr 2018, at 06:05, Chris Albertson wrote:
> Is there a Linux based tool chain?   The part I don't see is how to convert
> Gerber files to g-code files.

The video mentions CopperCAM, but the CopperCAM site says it takes in some 
Gerber files, but doesn't give enough details of the "output files".

> Then what tools work best?  I think three are needed tiny end mill to route
> copper,

Engraving tools are cheap and work quite well on pcb material.

And dust extraction is a must. The guy in the video really needs to think about 
abrasive particles entering his airways.

> Tiny spiral mill for cutting the PCB all the way through and a few
> micro side drill bits for the through holes.
> BTW it seems like the guy in the video could have saved a lot of time by
> using a (fake) ground plane that flooded all the empty space.  No need to
> mill all that copper away.

+1 to that, unless the circuit demands low inter-layer capacitance.


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