Working through Jon’s suggestions, the answers to his questions are as follows. 
 Also, I’m running version 2.7.11 if that helps.  No internet in my shop means 
it gets infrequent updates.  

Running the universal stepper diagnostics program with the command sudo 
.univstepdiags 378 bus indicates board 0 is firmware version 3.  No board 1 is 
shown, boards 2 and 4-f are "No Board" and board 3 is "Unknown."

Running the command sudo .univstepdiags 378 indexres 3 (from a forum post) 
gives me +517.00, +517.00, +517.00, and a jittery +0.000/+/-1.000 that seems to 
increase/decrease (depending on CW/CCW rotation) then go back to zero as fast 
as I turn the spindle.  I can see numbers greater than 1, but they flash back 
to zero within a fraction of a second and keep jittering.

The encoder scale on axis 03 is "setp ppmc.0.encoder.03.scale 2048" which is 
consistent with a 512 CPR encoder in quadrature.  That’s what I’ve got 

the connection to LinuxCNC looks like this:
newsig spindle-index-en bit
linkps motion.spindle-index-enable => spindle-index-en
linksp spindle-index-en => ppmc.0.encoder.03.index-enable


newsig spindle-pos float
linkps ppmc.0.encoder.03.position => spindle-pos
linksp spindle-pos => motion.spindle-revs

At 3600 RPM (as reported from the encoder) the velocity is 60.  At 3600 RPM 
CCW, the velocity is -60.  I don’t readily have a means of verifying actual 
RPM, but the dial on the vari-speed head seems to read lower than actual RPMs, 
though I understand this is consistent with a worn varispeed drive.  I also 
confirmed that one revolution appears to correspond to one increase/decrease of 
the ppmc.0.encoder.03.position as displayed by Hal Meter.  I took care to 
rotate it one revolution as closely as I could manage and the results checked 

Regarding the index, I probed it with a meter and found the position at which 
it triggers.  I can confirm that it should work as it showed 4.64V when at the 
index position.

See below for my HAL files:


I realize most of these are not likely to be relevant, but I’ve included them 
anyway.  The encoder is connected in the univstep_motion.hal file.

Also, re-testing the behavior, I seem to get two different outcomes when I run 
G33.1.  First error behavior is shown here: 
<> and the second error behavior is shown here: <>.  In the first 
behavior (which appears to be random, but I didn’t restart axis repeatedly to 
test), the spindle is running before the G33.1 command.  It feeds downward past 
the commanded 0.5" to 0.8125 or so, then stops Z motion while it decelerates.  
Then it reverses, spins up to speed, and retracts in what appears to be 
synchronized motion.  The second error appears to do the same until it hangs 
somewhere after reversing.  It also won’t respond to MDI commands.  I had to go 
to manual mode and click the spindle stop button to get it to respond.


> On Jul 20, 2020, at 12:47 PM, Jon Elson <> wrote:
> On 07/20/2020 10:51 AM, Matthew Herd wrote:
>> Hi Andy,
>> "But does it also count negative in reverse?"
>> Yes, counts go up and down, depending on the direction I turn the spindle, 
>> either manually or under power.
> Hmmm, the mystery deepens!  Well, it may be that the encoder index-enable 
> connection in hal is not set up correctly.  Although, it seems that in that 
> case it would never begin the Z move.
> Jon
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